XIO SA offers

Global Sustainability Data & Analytics Services

Developed and delivered by leading researchers in the field of environmentally extended input-output modelling.



The team at XIO Sustainability Analytics have been behind the core components of the latest versions of EXIOBASE, including v3.8 and the upcoming release of v3.9. EXIOBASE is openly available at Zenodo. Get in touch for details.

Emission Factors

We provide services to calculate Scope 1, 2 and 3 factors for greenhouse gas emissions for 200 products groups based on the latest version of EXIOBASE, as well as other MRIO models. EXIOBASE covers the global supply chain for 200 product groups in 43 countries plus 5 global regions. The emission factors can be used for spend-based analysis, calculation of financed emissions and corporate sustainability reporting. We remove outliers and provide data quality checks.

Environmental Analytics & Indicators

Analysis based on publicly available environmentally extended input-output models. This includes environmental footprints, impacts embodied in trade, supply chain analysis and others.

Customized Models

The customization of (environmentally extended) input-output models for any purpose. This includes coupling of existing models, coupling to other datasets and expansion of pre-existing models.

Software Development

● Custom extension to the Open Source MRIO Python package Pymrio
● Analytical tools for analysing footprints of capital goods
● Global supply chain hotspot analysis
● Uncertainty and Monte Carlo simulations

Teaching & Consulting

All aspects of environmentally extended input-output modelling.

Particular focus on the use of EXIOBASE, Pymrio, and the development of customized environmental impact assessment tools.


Kajwan Rasul

Dr. Kajwan Rasul

Managing Director

Expertise: Environmental accounting in multi-regional input-output modelling.
Background: Researcher at IndEcol, NTNU, and the lead developer of the energy and emissions accounts of EXIOBASE 3.9.

Expertise: Development and use of environmentally extended input-output models, including EXIOBASE.
Background: Former professor, and now adjunct professor at IndEcol, NTNU. Currently based in Australia. Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Industrial Ecology.

Expertise: Environmentally extended input-output modelling & lead developer of EXIOBASE 3.
Background: Manager and lead researcher of the Digital Lab at IndEcol, NTNU, and developer of the input-output analysis Python package Pymrio as well as other open source software. Data Editor at the Journal of Industrial Ecology.

Expertise: Input-output modelling & analysis.
Background: Professor at IndEcol, NTNU, member of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change, member of the International Resource Panel, and a lead author of the Energy Systems chapter in the 5th IPCC Assessment Report.

Ready to get started?

Whether you are an carbon accounting company, a government institution, or an enterprise, who needs to quantify environmental impacts, we can provide reliable and timely data for your needs.